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    Get Your Free Disability Insurance Quote in Less Than a Minute!

      Save up to 70% on Quality Disability Insurance By Comparing Insurers.

      Since 2002, Disability Insurance has helped thousands of people, just like you, save money on their Disability insurance. We do this by quickly comparing the price, features and financial strength of hundreds of disability insurance products from brand names you trust.


      We help you save time and money. With just a few basic questions we can quickly analyze the most cost effective contract in the market. You will receive quotes from every major carrier and be able to decide the best option for you.


      Why use Disability Insurance to fill your insurance needs? We work with every major carrier in the market which allows us the freedom to offer you the lowest possible quote available. Other agents usually work with only a couple of carriers which limits their ability to "shop" the market, and, simply put, you end up paying too much for your coverage. Why pay more? Call us today 1-888-544-3523. We are here to help you.


      We are what we promise. We are truly independent. Our core principle of conducting business is to always remain independent and recommend the best product to our clients. How do we do this? We research EVERY major disability carrier available based on an individual's location, occupation and goals. We find the BEST policy for you, regardless of the name of the company.

      Price Comparison

      The price is identical if you work directly with the insurance carrier or only with our office. The advantage of working with Disability Insurance is that we have the ability to quickly spreadsheet every carrier in the market place for your side by side comparison and savings. Otherwise, you would need to call hundreds of companies in order to find the best contract and price. We will help you save time and money while assisting you in getting the right coverage.

      Take the financial worry out of the unexpected

      You need a regular paycheck to maintain your current way of life. But what happens if you find yourself unable to work? Is your family prepared to face the possible financial hardship that will follow?

      How Long Term Disability Insurance Brings Certainty to Your Life

      Life can take drastic turns at any moment. Accidents, illnesses and injuries all have the potential to wreak havoc on your physical, financial and emotional well-being. Are you prepared for life’s unexpected calamities?


      Disability Insurance

      Your need a regular paycheck to maintain your current way of life. But what happens if you find yourself unable to work? Is your family prepared to face the possible financial hardship that will follow?

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